Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 In Review

The Good:

  1. Attended CanCon for the first time
  2. Attended JunoBear
  3. Played as many games Face to face as I did on VASL
  4. Played close to 30 games this year despite 8 months offline
  5. Made contact with more ASLers in the region
  6. Found that I enjoy helping relative newcomers to ASL with the game
  7. Without actually trying, realised that I actually do know the IFT  by heart for the most part
  8. I am totally over my PTO phobia, to the point I look for PTO games now.

The Bad:

  1. Went 0 and 5 at CanCon
  2. PC died a very sad death, along with my entire eASL archive
  3. Stuck in tablet/iPad 1 Hell for 7.5 months
  4. Had to cancel my trip to ASLOK thanks to dental bills, PC crash and lack of $$$
  5. Am once more behind the curve in my ASL purchases
  6. The reduction in enjoyment at Gamesquad
  7. Lost track of exactly what scenarios I played this year.

 Looking Forward to:

  • Malaya Madness in February - this could be the start of something special
  • Junobear - It would be nice to win more than one game
  • ASLOK - Come hell or high water, I am attending this year.
  • Hitting the 50 games mark - given ASLOK should account for 20 odd, JunoBear 4 and Malaya Madness another 7/8, getting 18 games on VASL/PBeM and at the Bearz should be relatively easy.
  • Finishing off the Swedish Volunteers scenarios
  • Catching up on some of the ASL releases from 2013.
  • Finalising the Raaco setup.

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