Summation and Aftermath
All in all,
the inaugural Malaya Madness was a resounding success. Although limited by the
exigencies of the venue and the short notice any new event has before kick-off,
the actual tourney achieved a great deal more than it set out to do. What happened in Singapore gave the
Asia-Pacific community a jump start on finding itself and discovering an
I’m not
sure that saddling the tourney with a Championship label does it any real
favours however. The ASL community in
Asia is still very much in its infancy as a collective and with so many coming
from alternate gaming backgrounds, “Championship” and “Competition” have very
different connotations from that considered the norm in ASL where it’s more a
convenient label to hang on a long weekend or two weeks away from home playing
games rather than a strict representation of the focus.
I know I’m fortunate
that I don’t have the domestic responsibilities
to consider when attendance at an ASL event occurs, however I will admit to
some disappointment with the disinterest shown in the event from the Australian
ASLers. Timing was certainly an issue, with CanCon (which is an expensive event
to attend) only occurring some 4 weeks prior. Also the unproven nature of the
event was always going to count against it with such limited advance notice.
As for the
future of the event, if it can be placed on a sound financial underpinning in a
more central and less rustic venue, I’m certain that it can build into an event
of some significance in this area of the ASL world. What I don’t want to see is
all the hard work that George Bates put into this event end up as a single
occurrence footnote in ASL history.

To that
end, I’m going to commit to underwriting 2016 and 2017 event for venue and some
other ancillary hosting costs. I had hoped to do this for 2015, but it’s only
now, at the end of September, that circumstances permit the corresponding
application of funds, and I feel the event needs to have at least 12 months
lead time for proper planning and fiscal certainty. It’s not a case of build it
no matter how and they will come, more a case of having an integrated venue,
commitment and solid format ready to go with a core group of confirmed attendees.
And that is where the extra lead time is all important for people, so that
travel and leave can be arranged, particularly as international travel costs
are such an influence on this event.
George and
I have already mapped out a couple of prospective venues in Singapore, and yes
the cost is a factor, but a central, comfortable location with good facilities
and ease of access will make this a much better and stronger event.
I do feel
strongly that Singapore is the best location moving forward for a regular Asia ASL
event, as it is more centrally located by comparison than say Hong Kong or the
Philippines to a greater number of potential attendees. The actual
structure of the event itself is less of an issue I feel. I used to think that
the tourney itself was the raison d’être of the event, but I’m seeing that like
ASLOK, it’s about celebrating ASL by playing rather than winning.
Whatever happens though, I’m so glad I attended.
I’ve made some damn good friendships out of Malaya Madness and I’m proud as
hell to have contributed in a very small way to helping the ASL community grow.