I have been pretty remiss in writing up AARs for this blog, especially given I play so many PBeM games during the year. The usual obstacles of time and aptitude do put a hindrance in the way, but 2012 had some great games for AAR purposes, even if the skill levels were not of the highest.
Funnily enough the scenarios that I enjoyed the most were the shorter, more tourney oriented types. So I'm working on preparing AARs of BFP30 Melee Near the Coast, FrF30 Biderman's Escape and FrF45 Totensonntag. If I can get these three AArs done in January I will be happy as it will then allow me to look at perhaps adding one AAR every two months after that. The trick is playing around with the graphics as I am a complete tard with graphics programs.
Other projects in 2013 include creating a couple of T-shirt designs I hope to have ready forr ASLOK 2013 and potentially a bunch of games on the King of the Hill map, if I find they actually work for me.
I too am way behind on my AAR's, I planned on haveing set days to wite them and failed that little test. Reminds me of my school reports, "must try harder"