Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Half-Squad that could

Many thanks and welcome to my fanatic half-squad of blog Followers, one of whom does more promoting of my blog on Gamesquad than I ever do. Much appreciated as I'm actually not great at promotion stuff like that, feel a bit self conscious about pushing my own barrow, but peer recommendations carry a lot of weight.

I think that folowing Ian's example in posting regularly and illustrated even minorly has helped me in sharing my enjoyment of ASl as a game., which in turn has allowed me to rediscover my enthusiasm for actually playing rather than just collecting and reading about ASL.

It's been particularly cathartic of late as I've been able to switch off mentally from real life issues (with the support of SWMBO it must be said) and retrieve some work-life balance.

And silly me is probably going to pick up the major two AK releases just for the large mapsheet (the overlays will need to be colour edited) and the nice counters.


  1. I recon you could get it for a low price advertising on GS as I can think of about 4 people who really have no wish to play them!

    Any promotion I do is because your blog is so good it deserves more followers and they will come but I want them fast ;-)

    I would change you post setting though as it only shows the last post and with you posting a couple of times in some days peeps will miss the odd one. Many folks just come and look and bookmark but don't join, shame as I get a kick out of getting more followers, my wife has over 150 so I need more LOL

  2. "I would change you post setting though as it only shows the last post "

    I would agree with this observation, if you intend to post short entries such as this one as the norm.

    The other option is to create a list of popular posts on either margin. This will give people a snapshot of some older posts. Posting an image with each post also helps a post stand out.

    In the end, this all takes time out of your day. At the moment, my entire day is consumed with preparing material for my ball-and-chain blog. In other words, be careful if you wish to maintain a proper work-life-blog balance. ;)
