This is probably the easiest one to get out of the blocks. I'm looking at themes in terms of products and subjects. I'm hoping to get one Live VASL + Skype game done per month and have maybe 2-3 PBeM games going simulatneously. My goal is to hit 50 plus games next year - nowhere near the numbers posted by the hard chargers in the 100+ games club, but unless I get a new job closer to home, the 4 hour commute each day is a limiting factor.
The basic idea is to get a like minded opponent willing to run through a theme list in partnership. Sure it may mean playing a couple of scenarios that both of us have played before, but generally that will mean playing a solid design anyway.
WCW '96 ASL Open -
Interestingly, I thought I'd played more of the scenarios, but I guess the amount of multiple playings has skewed my memory.
- 01. Will to Fight...Eradicated - Played, but always willing to play again
- 02. Scotch on the Rocks - ROAR Brit 30 vs Germ 20
- 03. Tigers at Merefa - ROAR Germ 21 vs Sov 9
- 04. Cat Becomes the Mouse - ROAR Brit 16 vs Germ 22
- 05. Abandon Ship - ROAR US 74 vs Germ 69
- 06. Los Ejercitos Nuevos - ROAR Rep Span 27 vs Nat Span 21
- 07. Eye of the Tiger - Played, and would play again at the drop of a hat.
- 08. The Last VC in Europe - ROAR Brit 30 vs Germ 20
- 09. Sweep Up
- 10. Stand and Die - played this most recently at ASLOK, I don't think I've grokked this yet, but I like it a lot.
Currently playing through this with John Knowles although we skipped the first for some reason..
- 01. French Toast and Bacon - ROAR US 21 vs Germ 24
- 02. Failure to Communicate - Completed
- 03. Counterattack at Carentan - ROAR US 18 vs Germ 22
- 04. I Don't Like Retreating - ROAR US 6 vs Germ 9
- 05. Astride Hell's Highway - ROAR Germ 10 vs US/Brit 7
This is out of left-field a little, as it's not widely known or publicised but it got some pretty good press in Desperation Morale, the downside is making the VASL map work unless it's already been fixed. And with four scenarios it's certainly something that could be completed pretty quickly.
- Cole's Charge - ROAR Germ 5 vs US 1
- The Cabbage Patch - ROAR US 1 vs Germ 1
- Green Devils - ROAR Germ 3 vs US 2
- Cooperation Reigns - ROAR Germ 2 vs US 0
Currently listening to: Glenn Miller - A Portrait of
Pete I have a good copy of the Action at Carentan Map, give me your e-mail (PM me on game squad and I will send it across). Played Cabage Patch twice FTF it's a good fun scenario possibly as I have won it both ways.